Mother [muhth-er] - noun.
One person who does the work of twenty. For free.
(See also: ‘saint’)
It’s fun to look over various definitions of “mom.” Milton Berle said, “If evolution were true, how come mothers only have two hands?” Phyllis Diller said, “I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.” Betty White said, “It’s not easy being a mom. If it were easy, fathers would do it.”
There is no doubt, one of my greatest blessings is my mom. She’s my biggest cheerleader, my greatest advocate, my compassion-filled comforter, and my constant example of unconditional love. Aren’t you glad God created moms?

Of our over 32,000 Spanish-speaking family — those who have registered to receive our free on-the-job Bible training and resources at LOGOI.org — some 60% are women. And while we don’t have specific numbers on this, I suggest the vast majority of that 60% are moms. It’s not hard to know why.
Moms want us to be happy, healthy, safe, and filled with good character and values. More than anything, moms who believe in Jesus want their children to know, love and follow Jesus, too.
We are following the story of one of our LOGOI moms who has fled Cuba with her husband in search of a life where hopes and dreams for their fourteen-year-old son can be fulfilled. We recently wrote about another mom with an adorable one-and-a-half year-old daughter where hired killings are taking place in her neighborhood because of drug trafficking. Yet, she is helping start a “Center for Bible Studies” with LOGOI Bible courses knowing the brightest future for her daughter is a community that follows Jesus.
We’ve recently partnered with another of our LOGOI moms who has written some wonderful Bible lessons for children. As a Christian mom, she was having difficulty finding children’s Bible resources for her own kids as well as her Sunday School children, so determined she would create her own. Her children’s lessons are now available to anyone who finds LOGOI.

Jesus loved his earthly mom, too. He was dying on the cross for you and me when he saw his mother there. Mercifully, the Bible does not go into any detail regarding what Mary was going through as she watched her son being crucified. I cannot even imagine the trauma.
Jesus looked at his mom and said, “Woman, here is your son.” He then looked at his close friend and disciple, John, and said, “Here is your mother” (see John 19:26-27). The clear understanding is that Jesus told John to care for Mary after his death and, from that time on, John took her into his home.
I read an article explaining that a “symbolic meaning can be drawn from Jesus’ words’ to his mom.” It went on to explain that “establishing the family of God was at the heart of Christ’s mission and ministry. Through relationship with Jesus Christ, believers become members of a new family (John 1:12). As the Lord completed His earthly ministry, His words to Mary and John were profoundly illustrative of God’s new family being born at the foot of the cross” (see God the Son Incarnate: The Doctrine of Christ by Stephen Wellum).
Thank God for moms! We are so grateful for the thousands of moms who are part of our LOGOI family. And now you know, as you pray and financially support LOGOI’s ministry, at least 60% of that is helping moms joyfully and lovingly proclaim the Gospel; first to their own children and then to all their adopted children in their churches and communities.
We love you, moms!

Ed Thompson
(Very proud son of my mom, Carolyn)
P.S. Please click here if you wish to support the work of mothers who proclaim the Gospel to their children and communities in the Spanish-speaking world.