I’m a big fan of Samaritan’s Purse. Not just because they help so many around the globe in the name of Jesus, but because I think Franklin — the son of Billy Graham — is doing a terrific job.
I read Franklin’s autobiography Rebel with a Cause when it was first published and was greatly encouraged by the honesty with which he discusses his struggles. Being the child of a world-famous evangelist certainly had its drawbacks.
The Bible is brutally honest about most of our Bible heroes. We learn of their faith right along with their flaws, sins and struggles. I take great comfort knowing the likes of Abraham, Sarah, Moses, David, Mary, Martha, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Billy Graham, and Franklin had all sorts of flaws and all desperately needed a Savior — just like me — just like you.

We started posting stories of some of our National Missionary “heroes” back in 2019. None have the fame of the others listed above and most of them live lives that, for the most part, are similar to ours. Our hope is that their stories will excite you about what God is doing through them, that you will pray for them, and be encouraged by them.
There is another reason we post their stories. We do so to remind ourselves that, like our Bible heroes, they are real people with real struggles, hopes and dreams. They are extensions of ourselves and our walk with Christ and journeys of faith.

We introduced Rayda Guerra who, through Christ, turned her bitter tears into great joy and a powerful ministry. There is Rómulo Durán Verástegui, who turned from a life devoted to the bottle to a life devoted to preaching the Good News. We are thrilled with Grandma Eva Navarro who provides a safe place for abandoned women and children. Gerardo Torres no doubt has the gift of encouragement. Our very own “Where is Waldo” has handwritten New Testaments for tribe members along his amazing horseback missionary journeys in the Sierra Madre Mountains.

Each of them, and many more, are introduced via our LOGOI webpages for you to discover. Each month we introduce you to a new “hero” we hope will encourage and bless you.
In other words, you and I are in great company. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us” (Hebrews 12:1).
Few of us (thankfully) will ever have the fame of Moses, King David, Billy or Franklin Graham. Most of us are a lot more like Rayda, Rómulo, Eva, Gerardo and Waldo. It is wonderful we can encourage each other along the way.
Thank you for being a part of our LOGOI family. Your prayers and financial partnership are a blessing and encouragement to many. May we each run with endurance the race God has set before us.

P.S. Please click here and donate to join us on this race God has set before us.