Recently, to do something different and fun, my wife and I went on a rail bike excursion. Ours was a 10-mile ride along a beautiful river on a warm spring afternoon.
Our two-seat rail bike came complete with two sets of pedals, helmets, seatbelts, and kindly, a little motor which can do all the pedaling for you. About a dozen of us showed up for this adventure including a nice family who brought along their elderly dad, whom we later learned was 89 years old.

It was a sweet scene to see the adult children loving on their dad. I would guess his kids were in their 40s. Noting his shaky hands and wobbly legs, I suspect the dad had Parkinson’s Disease. At first, I thought how nice it was for him to tag along to see his kids off, but the next thing I knew, they were fitting him with a helmet, helped him into one of the rail bike seats and off we all went.
The ride was smooth enough and, of course, straight. It’s difficult to get lost or take a wrong turn on railroad tracks. Our guide in front had a handheld train horn he would blast when approaching an intersection. The railroad crossing gates would come down and our group of rail bike riders pedaled through while waving to the cars like we were part of the Orient Express.
While we don’t have an exact number of how many dads are represented in our LOGOI Hispanic family, we estimate it’s over 10,000 (out of over 32,000 total). Many have taken our La Familia Cristiana Bible course which examines the biblical doctrine of marriage, family, and the role of moms and dads. It’s a popular study that is often adapted to be taught in church Bible studies and groups.
Of our large group of LOGOI dads, three came to mind. The first, of course, was my dad, Les Thompson. I was blessed with a wonderful father and I’m so grateful I never once doubted his love for me. From various recordings, I still get to hear him sing and teach and know he inspired a great many men to pursue God with all their heart and strength. He would be the first to tell you he was far from a perfect dad, but I sure wanted to be just like him.

I then thought of another of our LOGOI dads. This one got caught up in an affair and lost everything. He had been one of our model pastors with huge potential when the affair was discovered. I don’t think I had ever seen a man sob so hard when he met my dad after a conference well after he left the pastorate. “I’m unusable damaged goods,” he cried. My father and others reminded him that because of Jesus, there are no “unusable damaged goods.” God’s love never ends, and His mercies are new every morning (see Lamentations 3:22-23).
I think of another LOGOI dad who fled Cuba sacrificing everything so that his son could have a future. We’ve followed his family’s path and it is very sobering to learn of their struggles — but they are getting through, in Canada. “God has not forsaken us,” he tells us, “We trust Him even when things are difficult, and nothing seems right.”
It’s exciting to know your faithful partnership is constantly being used to help and encourage thousands of dads. Your gifts can even provide the means for one of our LOGOI dads to take our La Familia Cristiana Bible course. What a joy to invest your finances in a way that helps encourage and strengthen families to pursue Christ. Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration to invest in God’s work through LOGOI.
So it was that I watched with joy as this 89-year-old dad went on the rail bike tour with his children. They helped steady his steps on the path, helped him get into his seat on the rail bike, and made sure he was comfortable and safe. Mostly, I watched how his kids were so intent on enjoying being with their dad and having a special day.
But more than that, I saw the eyes of their dad light up with joy, not for the rail bike, but for each time one of his children came to check on him. The rail bike tour was nice, but it paled in comparison to the visible joy the father was experiencing just being with his children.
I’m pretty sure that’s what Jesus wants, too. What joy he must feel when his children want to be with him, spend time with him, and love on him. Even if it means getting on a rail bike.
Happy Father’s Day…Forever!

P.S. If you'd like to help encourage and strengthen families to pursue Christ with LOGOI’s Bible Courses and resources, please give here.