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Preview to An Unexpected Love Story


Over this past year, we have been working on a very special LOGOI book titled An Unexpected Love Story. It’s the story of how my mom, a 18-year-old college girl, met my dad, a widowed missionary with three little boys, and fell in love — despite all the odds and against the advice of others. It’s a crazy ride of impossibilities as God directs their paths into one.


A wonderful result of this improbable love story was the birth of LOGOI… and me. I’m rather fond of both.


I’ve included a summarized chapter of college Freshman Carolyn focused on discovering God’s purpose for her life… then this crazy Cuban missionary shows up who is convinced she was destined to marry him.


As remarkable as my parent’s love story is, there is no greater love story than, “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us’” (Matthew 1:23 NLT). When you consider all the impossibilities of God directing paths and events to accomplish His purpose of redeeming His children, it simply blows your mind. Especially when you understand He did it all for you and for me.


As you will see in Mom’s story, God is still in the business of directing paths and events to fulfill his purpose. With your gracious prayers and financial gifts, LOGOI continues to help thousands upon thousands of Spanish-speaking pastors and leaders joyfully proclaim the Christmas message all year long. We do ask for your generous support and thank the Lord for the crazy impossibility of leading you to join us for this ministry partnership.


Now, enjoy a summarized excerpt from An Unexpected Love Story.


Merry Christmas… Forever!

The Thompson's Turquoise Bread Truck
The Thompson's Turquoise Bread Truck

Les had been doing a lot of praying.


Almost two years had passed since his wife Mary had died back in May 1959 and his loneliness persisted. He wondered if he could ever marry again. At the same time, he knew how much his boys needed a mom. But who in the world would be interested in a widowed, penniless, missionary with three little boys?


So, he started to pray. A lot. He prayed and asked the Lord for a wife who would also be a mother for his boys. “Someone who loves me,” he prayed, “but also someone who will truly love my boys.”


According to Les, each time he prayed, his children’s babysitter in Bellingham, Washington came to mind – me! Of course, I had no idea about any of this. I was eighteen years old, in college, and pursuing my desire to serve God. I knew God had something very special for me and I was at Moody Bible Institute to prepare myself for that special role. Besides, there were lots of Moody Bible Institute young men who seemed interested in asking me out. The last thing I wanted or needed was the attention of a much older widowed missionary.


(Carolyn goes on to explain a last-minute trip from Moody Bible Institute back home to Bellingham, Washington for Christmas. Unbeknownst to her, Les would also be there…)



The last Sunday in Bellingham before I returned to college, we invited all our college church friends over for pie and ice cream. Les came, too, since he knew most of us. I remember thinking, “Is he following me around?”


We found ourselves by the piano and there on top was a new picture of my big sister, Dorothy, who had moved to Seattle. Next to her picture was my high school graduation photo. I picked up the picture of Dorothy and said to Les, “Isn’t my big sister pretty?” Looking at the picture of me he answered, “I like the other one better!” I was still quite oblivious to his prayers and plans and remember thinking, “That was strange. Why in the world did he say that?”


My father would always end events at our house with a circle of prayer and holding hands. Les made certain he was next to me and quickly took my hand. As my dad prayed, he squeezed it very gently and in such a way that it made me nervous. That was my first indication that perhaps he was coming around not only to see my dad. I don’t remember anything about that circle of prayer except this man was holding my hand.


The prayer ended but Les didn’t let go. He turned to me and asked, “Would you write to me?” His question caught me off guard, but I answered, “Sure. If you write me first.” I thought that was a very safe answer that would get me off the hook because I didn’t think he would ever really write me.


It was time to go back to Moody Bible Institute and my big sister graciously paid for me to return via train. I said my goodbyes to family and friends (which didn’t include Les) and boarded my train for the three-day trip. When I got back to school, there were three letters in my mailbox. 


They were all from Les.

Letters and Passport photo for newlywed Carolyn with three boys
Letters from Les and passport photo for Carolyn and her boys


“Oh no,” I thought, “What is this?” The lights were slowly coming on regarding Les’ intentions and it scared me to pieces. I didn’t know what to think. I read his letters as quickly as I could and then threw them away.


But the letters kept coming. I would read them and be terrified because I didn’t know what to say or think. In his letters he would describe his world in Costa Rica and the various trips he was taking throughout Latin America. But then he always had something sweet and personal to say. I did not understand why he was saying those sweet things to me.


After several weeks of non-stop letters, I finally got the courage to bring my dilemma to all fifty girls on the tenth floor of my dormitory. Instead of throwing them away, I kept a few and read them to all fifty floor-mates gathered in the hallway. Poor Les. He had no idea he was writing to fifty girls.


All fifty girls quickly came to the same conclusion – run!

An Unexpected Love Story will be available in January 2024.


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