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Patricia Medina, Lisbon, Portugal


The Ministry of LOGOI offers terrific Bible resources that are powerful and impactful. We’re thrilled to see how God is using them to touch lives and ministries with the Gospel. But it is still a personal relationship that means the most. So, this month, we’re giving you a little peek behind the scenes which in many ways shares the heart of LOGOI’s ministry. 

Sometimes is starts with a simple email: 

Grandma Carolyn [in Spanish]: “Hello Patricia, I hope you understand me. Spanish is not my first language and I make lots of mistakes and your first language is probably Portuguese. I am with LOGOI and when I saw you had downloaded some resources on our website and that you live in Portugal, I was excited because you are our first person to join us from there. Welcome, Patricia!

Patricia: I am immensely grateful for your email. It has profoundly touched my heart. My first language is Spanish, but I have the great fortune to also speak English, French, and Portuguese. I also understand Italian and since my husband is Swedish, I am learning it, too. I’m so grateful you took the time to write to me.

And so, a relationship begins. 

In short order we have learned that Patricia is Mexican and has lived in Europe for the past 24 years. She is the mother of three adult children. Their oldest lives in Switzerland, their middle child lives in Mexico and their daughter lives with them in Portugal. Patricia explains, “the only one who is a Christian is my daughter. I continually pray for the salvation of my two sons. I remarried after 17 years of being single. He is Swedish and a man of God. My ministry is in the Iglesia Internacional Riverside in Cascais, where I met my husband.” 

Patricia explains how she was going through a dark and terrible time. “One night I fell asleep weeping,” she explained “and was awakened by a bright light I could not explain, followed by a voice that came from somewhere I did not understand.” She says she was terrified but then suddenly, an unexplained peace came over her and she instantly knew everything was going to be okay. She said she immediately contacted her fiancé to tell him what happened, but he thought she had gone crazy. She adds she did not understand what was happening and felt the need to go to church. She found a Portuguese Christian church soon after her encounter and says, “I didn’t speak Portuguese and I didn’t understand anything.” She continued, “but I couldn’t deny the peace filling my heart and soul. I went every Sunday.” She then cheerfully adds, “After several months of attending church, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior — that was February 1, 2016 — the wonderful day I became a daughter of God.” 

Today, Patricia lives outside of Lisbon, Portugal in a town called Estoril. It is a high-income area known for sheltering diplomats in their retirement. She also proudly stated that Portugal is one of the safest countries to live in. But  then  she  adds,  “However,  even  in  this  beautiful  place, there is great depression and loneliness and I wanted to be prepared to lead, counsel, and serve.” A friend in Sweden told her about LOGOI, which led her to download some Bible resources. “I am praying the Father will lead me and help me find the right places and people to serve.”

How wonderful that LOGOI is a place where so many can find trusted Bible resources that can be put to immediate use. And how amazing that Patricia discovered LOGOI by way of Sweden. And how wonderful that a simple email from Grandma Carolyn has opened a new friendship and relationship that will carry itself all the way to Heaven! 

Would you take a moment right now and pray for Patricia? Specifically, she asks for prayer that her two sons would come to know Christ and that the Lord would grant her wisdom to hear and obey His will. She asks that the Lord protect and guide her in her journey of faith and that she would not fall away from Christ. Amen!


Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries to proclaim
 the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish-speaking world.


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