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Pablo Osorio, Quevedo, Ecuador


Updated: Apr 1, 2021

“I am your Abuela Carolina from LOGOI,” the email began, “How are you doing with your LOGOI Bible course? I hope you haven’t set it aside…”

Nothing like a grandma getting directly to the heart of the matter. With just the right amount of chiding, encouragement, and love, grandmas are excellent motivators. You will see the rest of the story in the LOGOI letter on its way to your house.

Meet Pablo Osorio, a recent high school graduate who has just begun university studies and looking for a job to help pay bills for himself, his parents, and siblings. “The internet I use,” he explains, “belongs to a neighbor. When we are able, we pay him [the neighbor] to use his internet.”

It’s easy to forget the struggles others have for things we often take for granted.

The majority of our LOGOI pastors and national missionaries are in their 30’s and 40’s and are already serving the Lord in their churches and communities. Young Pablo, however, joins our family at the ripe age of 18, not yet knowing where the Lord will take him and how He will serve him.

What he does know is that he loves the Lord and wants to be a part of building up the Kingdom of Heaven. “I want to keep learning His Word,” Pablo says, “and I need to study it so I can share the Gospel with my friends who are graduating and making their plans.” He stops to think a bit more and adds, “I would like to go to seminary if God allows. I want to serve the Lord.”

He has just moved with his parents and siblings to Quevedo in order to be nearer the university. It is roughly 150 miles from Quito (the capital) and one of Ecuador’s fastest-growing cities. It is also an important agricultural center for Ecuador producing “supermarket ready” bananas, corn, rice, and soybeans. Interestingly, it is also known as the “Chinatown of Ecuador” for its prominent Chinese immigrant population.

It is an absolute thrill to have a part in Pablo’s journey of faith and service. We can only imagine God’s smile as He sees Pablo’s heart and desire to proclaim the Gospel. Will you take a moment right now and pray for Pablo? And what a joy to have a part in helping him — and thousands of others — be equipped to tell their friends and neighbors about Jesus!


Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries like Pablo to help proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish speaking world. Now you know a little more about one of them.


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