Casbas, Argentina, is a little farming town of some 10,000 about 300 miles from the big, cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires, with a population of over three million. Casbas started as a railway station around 1911, with mostly Italian and Portuguese immigrants, and that’s all we know about the town of Casbas.
What we do know about Casbas, however, is that it’s home to one of our favorite radio hosts, LOGOI national missionary of the month, Néstor Omar Salgado. Néstor is a radio host, writer, journalist, and evangelist with Ministerio Cristiano Internacional Misión Nueva Vida. His radio broadcast is titled “Razones para vivir” (Reasons to Live), and he brings a message of faith and hope to all who listen.
“Our city is small,” Nestor explains, “and is a relatively quiet place and I love the people in our community. I grew up in the countryside on a small farm where my father worked the land, so I am used to being in a small, rural town. In fact,” Néstor continues, “I was introduced to Jesus by a Bible teacher who came to our little town from two hours away. I started reading God’s Word and hearing about the life and work of Jesus Christ and began to love God.”

“I graduated as a Christian Radio Communicator from IBIC Seminary,” Néstor explains, “and for 24 years I have been the host of a radio program that is sent to different FM stations in this city and others with our message of hope in Jesus. I have also published a book I give for free to anyone who asks titled, “A message of love for the Christian family.” (We have a copy now at LOGOI and we’re reviewing it.)
Néstor goes on to say, “I carry out my ministry in different ways: as an evangelist and Christian counselor, in book distribution, prayer for those who request prayer, writing for different blogs and Christian websites, and my radio lessons where I joyfully proclaim the life-changing good news of the Gospel.”

Nestor has completed the LOGOI Christian Counseling Certificate Program. “LOGOI helps me understand God’s Word and my Christian formation,” Néstor says, “and of course I have much to learn. But I love to share what I am learning because it is so beautiful, and I simply have to tell others and will continue to do so.”
Would you take a moment right now and pray for Néstor? Specifically, he asks for prayer that “the light of the Gospel will always guide him.” Yes, Lord, may that be our prayer, too.
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