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Mirna Janett Recinos, Metapan, Santa Ana, El Salvador


God has given our “Grandma Carolyn” a wonderful ministry inside of LOGOI’s overall outreach. She loves meeting new people, especially those in our extended family overseas. She has a long, long list of those she gets to encourage along their journey of faith and ministry. Here are some excerpts of correspondence with a brand-new friend (edited for brevity):


Hello Janett,

I’m “Grandma Carolyn,” the wife of LOGOI’s founder. I’m so glad to meet you and welcome you to our LOGOI family. I’m excited to learn more about you and what God is doing in your life. Please tell me more about you…


Hola Abuela Carolina,

I’m so excited to hear from you. This means so much to me.

I was born into a Christian home and from my earliest years, I have heard and realized God’s love and mercy in my life and family. I have always been active in church along with my siblings as Sunday School teachers, VBS, and youth work.

I am 44 years old, and I did not have the opportunity to marry and have a family. I think God wants to use me in another way and without my own family. Understanding and accepting this cost me a great deal of time and reflection, but I’m making progress. 

My Dear Janett,

I’m so glad for your note. Accepting God’s will in your life is very special and beautiful. I can understand the sadness and struggle you may have endured wishing for a different kind of life. But here you are full of love and grace accepting God’s will and direction. It is a beautiful thing, and I am thankful and proud of you as you move forward on your journey with the Lord. I am sure that you are a testimony to other women who can see your joy and satisfaction with your life.


So that you know, even though I am so old (82), God has blessed me with good health. I’ve been a widow for 13 years. I did not want to be alone either, but God has helped me very much. I sincerely think I am still here because this grandma can still serve the Lord. I would love to know more about your ministry…

Abuela Carolina,

I’m so grateful for your love and encouragement and to learn more about you. I’m very happy to have a new grandma in you. I studied journalism at the university and have put into practice what I learned after I graduated. Since 2010 I have overseen the radio programming for my church.

You should also know that I use your LOGOI Bible resources: first for my spiritual growth and then to share with others in person and on the radio. I also have a children’s ministry and we meet each month. I want them to have a personal relationship with Jesus.


And so, a sweet and beautiful new relationship has begun. Grandma Carolyn has gained a new granddaughter to love and encourage, Janett has gained a new mentor and grandma, and we get to encourage them both along the way. And that, our LOGOI friend, is the heart of LOGOI’s ministry.

Would you take a moment right now and pray for Janett? Pray for the Lord to continue to encourage and bless her. And while you’re at it, say a prayer for Grandma Carolyn, too. She has a huge, wonderful job here at LOGOI.


Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish-speaking world.


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