If you look up “things to do” in the Mexican town of Capulhuac de Mirafuentes on Tripadvisor, you’re going to be rather disappointed. All it says is, “We could not find any attractions...”
Well, Tripadvisor is very wrong. If they had looked up “Lucila Gomez,” they would certainly learn that she is one of Capulhuac de Mirafuentes’s main attractions.
We first learned of Lucila back in 2018 when she enrolled in our online Bible School, “FLET.” In short order, we were sending her first-course completion diploma. She was so excited she sent back a note: “Thank you for sending me my diploma. My name is Lucila Gomez, I am 42 years old and just celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary, thanks to the Lord. I have two daughters and live in a pueblo called Capulhuac, where you will find a wonderful and growing church called Iglesia Bíblica Bautista ‘Casa de Oración’ (House of Prayer).”
To date, Lucila has completed eight FLET courses! Her father led her to the Lord when she was 11 years old, and she is thrilled she helped start a church eight years ago. “I was treasurer of the church and taught children’s Sunday School, and I’m now the director of the praise group. What I love the most, though, is teaching Bible studies.”

You can sense Lucila’s joy as she tells us more about herself: “I have a Bachelor’s degree in Food Chemistry and a Master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition. I have not used my profession very much because I dedicated myself to my family, home, and church. But now I am going to resume my profession, starting a business of my own.” Then, as if she just can’t help but say it again, she writes, “But what I like the most is studying the Bible and teaching it. The LOGOI courses are a great blessing and edification in my life and church. I use them all the time in my Bible studies. All your materials are so excellent and helpful. Thank you very much for being part of my spiritual growth,” Lucila concludes. We really do need to alert Tripadvisor!
Would you take a moment right now and pray for Lucila? Through her joy and love for the Lord, we pray her faith will be beautifully contagious to all those who have the pleasure of meeting one of Capulhuac de Mirafuentes’s greatest attractions!
Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries like Lucila to help proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish speaking world. Now you know a little more about one of them.