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Meet Hector Juan Medina, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Updated: Sep 22, 2022

Along the Andes Mountains, in the middle of Bolivia, there is a beautiful valley often referred to as the “City of Eternal Spring.” It’s so named because of its spring-like temperature all year round and has been around since the Pre-Inca period. To find it on a map, search for “Cochabamba” with its population of some 630,000 “cochalas,” or more formally called “cochabambinos.”

One of our favorite cochabambinos is Pastor Héctor Juan Medina, a long-time LOGOI friend who often shared teaching responsibilities at pastor conferences alongside LOGOI’s founder, the late Dr. Les Thompson. Pastor Juan has been serving the Lord faithfully for over 43 years.

Juan and his wife, Ana María have three grown children and six grandchildren. Juan is a devoted family man who knows the value of earnest prayer. While he grew up in a Christian home, he did not follow in his parent's footsteps. Just after turning 20 years old, Juan agreed to go to church with his big brother, Beto. “I really didn’t know why,” Juan remembers, “but I just kept going to church.” Ten years later, hearing a message on John 3:16, the Gospel penetrated his heart, and he joyfully accepted the free gift of salvation. He later learned his brother Beto had been praying for that moment every day for over seven years.

Over these past 43 years, Pastor Juan has served as a church planter, senior pastor of several churches, doctoral student at Dallas Theological Seminary, professor at Hebron Theological Seminary (Santa Cruz), and with the encouragement from Dr. Les Thompson, authored one of LOGOI’s books on expository preaching titled, El mensaje que predicamos— which we continue to use to this day.

Now in his 70s, Pastor Juan says he is focused on training “the next generation” to serve the Lord. Only the Lord knows how many lives Pastor Juan has led to Christ, but he’s still going strong. In October, he will be teaching expository preaching at a conference with some 300 expected to attend, with more conferences to be scheduled.

Would you take a moment to pray for Pastor Juan right now? Specifically, he’s asking for strength and wisdom to continue his ministry as well as the needed financial resources. Then, on a personal note, he’s asking the Lord for the means to be able to find a home for him and his wife. We will add, please pray that the Lord will raise up many more Juan Medinas.


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