Not long ago, Venezuela was one of Latin America’s most economically prosperous countries. With its strong agriculture and oil industries, its GDP could rival any nation. Today, however, Venezuela’s economy is in shambles. Hyperinflation has devastated their currency, making it almost impossible for Venezuelans to afford such necessities as food, clothes, and medicine.
Welcome to the world of Edgard Alberto Velasquez Medina. Born and raised in Caracas by parents who loved Jesus, Edgard Alberto is doing his best to navigate through very difficult days with his wife Leidy and their five-year-old daughter, Dana Giselle. Edgard Alberto is an associate pastor at Iglesia Jesús Verdad and makes his living as an accountant. “The day-to-day life of Venezuelans has become increasingly complicated,” he says, “nearly five million people have fled the country — mostly young people.”

“We are living with high levels of institutional corruption, family disintegration, and low moral-ethical values,” Edgard Alberto says. “Then, we have churches and leaders that all too often turn away from God and yield to false hopes and promises offered by the government.”
This sounds and looks ominously familiar.
But just like the “cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1) who faced great adversities before him, he says, “But praise God! He has not changed nor abandoned us. He remains faithful to His promises, and His remnant is standing with faith and hope.” He adds, “Our country’s circumstance has allowed us to present the Gospel with more force, passion, and validity than ever. We rejoice in seeing lives transformed by the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through his Gospel.”

Aren’t you glad Edgard Alberto is one of LOGOI’s national missionaries? He uses our Bible resources regularly, particularly our discipleship courses. “God has used LOGOI to help me in spiritual formation and growth,” he says. “My desire,” he joyfully states, “is for God to use me to help make disciples of Christ everywhere until the Lord calls me to His presence.”
Would you take a moment right now and pray for Edgard Alberto and his family? How grateful we are for men like Edgard Alberto, whose passion is for others to see and know Jesus Christ.
God has placed Edgard Alberto right where he needs to be, and our job is to come alongside him to help, equip, encourage, and pray. Together we say with Edgard Alberto, “To God be the glory.”
Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish-speaking world.