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Meet Dr. Les Thompson, Placetas, Cuba

God sees everything you do,” so the paraphrased words from Proverbs 5:21 spelled out in the little framed picture hanging over young Les’s bed. He would read those words and hide under his covers in his missionary home in the Cuban city of Placetas. While the words on the plaque terrified the little boy, they would also inspire him to do his very best to serve the King of Kings. 

Meet Dr. Les Thompson, missionary, author, speaker, husband, father, and LOGOI’s Ministry founder. He was born on January 12, 1931, and joyfully moved into his forever home 13 years ago this month, on August 30, 2011. 

Les grew up in Placetas, a rural city in the Villa Clara Province right in the center of Cuba. His parents were pioneer missionaries to the island where they started the Los Pinos Nuevos Seminary (which continues to this day). The blonde-haired-blue-eyed Cuban boy grew up happy and full of dreams and curiosity as he roamed the hills and streams around Placetas. 

As a young man he joined the “family missionary business,” particularly the seminary’s radio programs. Les would teach and sing using his wonderful tenor voice as part of the programming broadcast throughout the entire island nation. He married his college sweetheart, Mary, started a family, and together settled into their lives and ministry in Cuba. 

Tragically, Mary became gravely ill while the family was on furlough in Washington state. She died in the hospital, requiring an urgent postmortem cesarean section to save their third baby. Les was devastated. Adding to his misery, he was kicked out of Cuba for making statements on the radio comparing Christianity and communism. He took a job in Christian book publishing in Costa Rica where he had to travel extensively throughout Latin America. It was during these travels that Les realized the urgent need for on-the-job Bible training and resources for national pastors throughout the Spanish-speaking world. 

Loneliness and the realization that his young boys needed a mother compelled Les to pray about a future wife. His eyes would always light up every time he recounted, “God brought me Carolyn.” The story of how Les courted Carolyn is a fascinating and heartwarming story you can get the PDF here.

Les went on to establish the ministry of LOGOI in 1968. Focusing on Spanish-speaking pastors and teaching leaders, LOGOI’s purpose remains five decades later, to “Equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). He went on to write 13 books including Faith That Moves Mountains (Spanish), Letters to Carlos, and The Ten Commandments — Godly Living in an Ungodly World. Wanting to do his very best in service to the King of Kings, Les was one of the very first to publish Spanish Christian books in full color. Many criticized his “waste of God’s money” but when his books quickly sold out, other publishers soon followed. He is remembered throughout Latin America as the “Pastor to Pastors” for his biblical teaching and love for his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. He earned his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Wales, Bangor, at the tender age of 70.

Les and Carolyn have been blessed with four children, 14 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren… and counting! Les’s legacy lives on through his family, his books, and the ministry of LOGOI, which now serves over 32,000 pastors and leaders spread across some 60 countries. 

Would you take a moment right now and pray for LOGOI? Pray that the Lord will continue to use LOGOI to impact the lives and ministries of national pastors and leaders to know, love, and teach God’s Word. And as you’re praying, would you ask Jesus to give a big abrazo (hug) to Les, our favorite Missionary of the Month.


Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish-speaking world.


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