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Margarito Hermenegildo González Silva -
San Sebastián Zinacatepec, Puebla, México


It’s hard to not admire a guy who has 34 letters in his name. Then, when you add his birthplace of Llano Grande, Santa María Zacatepec, Putla, Oaxaca, México (44 letters), you have to wonder how he was able to fit all that information on his driver’s license. 

We’re thrilled to introduce you to Margarito, the first believer in his family. “I suffered beatings and bad treatment from my family because of Christ,” he explains without going into details. “But now, not only do they all love the Lord, they are also serving Him and helping me reach our community for Christ.” 

Margarito came to know the Lord when he was sent to [middle] school in another city. His parents were not able to pay for it, but a local Christian family took him in. “On Thursdays they had a Bible study in their home and invited me to be a part,” Margarito says. “Little by little I learned about Jesus. I believed all I heard and gave my life to Christ.” 

Today, Margarito is pastoring the Iglesia Bíblica Libres en Cristo (Free in Christ Bible Church) in San Sebastián Zinacatepec, Puebla. “This is a very poor community, where many work in factories producing clothes. Salaries are very low here,” he adds. “There are many problems with young people getting into drugs, alcohol, and gangs. The people here have a great need for God, but they are stubborn. Even so, our church is growing, thanks to the Lord.” 

Margarito is also a professor in a Bible institute and training center he opened in April 2023. “We are training our first generation of students,” he explains, “with roughly 30 studying in our Bible institute. The students pay what they can, but it does not cover the costs. So, we do ask for prayer so that we can keep our Bible institute open, pay our bills, and even grow.” (Upon learning about their Bible institute, LOGOI is excited to help Margarito by offering our Bible courses to their students.) 

Would you take a moment right now and pray for Margarito? Specifically, he asks for prayer for his family: “We make many sacrifices in our service to the Lord and our finances are always very tight. What a blessing and relief it would be to have more support. Please pray that our church leadership will be strong and convinced of their call and the power of God.” Amen.


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