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Lázaro's Dream Team Grows


Hello from Grandma Carolyn here at LOGOI.

I’m so glad I get to write you for this month’s update. I am grateful for you, as well as all my nietos y nietas (grandsons and granddaughters), throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

LOGOI began in 1968 and I have been here for all these amazing years. When I married Les, LOGOI’s founder, I knew my life was going to be full of adventures, and I have never been disappointed. How thrilled Les would be knowing the ministry he began continues impacting the lives of thousands of pastors and national missionaries around the world.

Cuba, Les’ birthplace, will always have a very special place in my heart. God enabled me to travel there many times and I dearly love my Cuban family. More recently, I’ve gotten to know Lázaro and chances are you’ve heard me talk about him. He’s a few years younger than me, but he still calls me Mamá.

Lázaro has a wonderful ministry dedicated to bringing young people to Christ through sports—especially baseball. His ministry is reaching hundreds throughout Cuba and we’ve been able to help him in special ways over the years. In fact, LOGOI has published a children’s book inspired by Lázaro –Lázaro’s Dream Team– about a boy from a Cuban barrio with big dreams who makes baseballs out of rags and bats out of sticks, and how God uses those dreams for a great purpose.

Click HERE to see the video we made after one of our visits.

Recently, Lázaro excitedly told me that he had a group of 20 from his ministry who want to study our Bible courses. “But we have a problem,” he said humbly, and went on to explain that they cannot afford to buy the Cuban internet cards allowing them to get online.

Cubans must buy internet cards costing $1 per hour of use, which enables them to use WiFi in public hotspot areas such as central parks, hotels, and libraries. “It’s only a few dollars, Mamá Carolina, but it probably will take us 30 hours or more to complete one Bible course. Is there any way you can help us?”

Well, that got me to thinking... and praying. A quick look at our LOGOI database brought up 113 Cuban brothers and sisters trying to access our Bible courses and resources right now. “What if we could buy them those internet cards?” I asked myself. I shared my idea with the rest of our LOGOI staff, and now we have a plan.

First, we found out we could buy “internet time” from Cuba’s ETECSA stores online. Next, we learned that if we had their cell phone numbers, we could purchase them time right from Miami.

That was all I needed to know. I contacted Lázaro and almost before I signed off my email, he sent the cell numbers of five co-workers, plus himself. And he said, “Mamá, it is necessary to prepare ourselves to teach others because the coming of our Lord is getting closer every day. I feel like these courses will be a great blessing. Thank you for letting us be part of these delicacies for the soul.”

Would you like to join me in helping our Cuban brothers and sisters get LOGOI’s Bible courses and resources? $30 to $50 will most likely cover an entire Bible course for one Cuban student. With your help, we will purchase them internet time in increments as they move forward with their studies.

Now, no doubt they will also use some of our investment to surf the net (restricted in Cuba) and touch base with family and friends, but that’s okay. A part of me is glad to afford them that bit of luxury if it’s not abused. We’ll know if they use it all up without getting through their studies, so we will monitor this as best we can.

Join me in this simple but exciting opportunity in Cuba. I’m already looking forward to keeping you up to date about our Cuban grandchildren.

Thank you so much in advance for your prayerful consideration. What a joy it will be to serve our Lord together.

With much love,

Abuela Carolina

P.S. If you want to help our Cuban brothers and sisters get LOGOI’s Bible courses and resources, please click on the cover of Lázaro's Dream Team below, and we will send you a PDF copy of the book at no additional cost!


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