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Let's Talk About our Father in Heaven


Ed's funny definition of Father

There might be some truth in the definitions above, but almost all of us can relate to Mark Twain’s quote when he said, “My father was an amazing man. The older I got, the smarter he got.”

As a father, few things make my day more than hearing from my kids. They are all grown and quite possibly tired of all my dad jokes but, even so, when they call to check in with their dad, my heart swells with love. I remember the joy in my dad’s voice when I’d call on the phone. “Hello son,” he’d always say with joy and pride in his voice.

LOGOI Founder Les Thompson with sons Ed, Gregg, Dan and Ken

Funny how just those two words meant so much to me. I don’t think I had realized it until I started to write these words and a flood of tears came to my eyes remembering my dad. “Hello son” was just about all I needed to be reminded how much he loved and cared for me.

It’s wonderful that Jesus taught his disciples to address God as our “Father in heaven.” In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus is telling us how we should live as his disciples. When he comes to teaching us how to pray in chapter six, he describes a very intimate, personal and loving approach and relationship with God the Father.

Jesus tells us to “go into your room and close the door” with the idea of having a private and real conversation with God. Then he quickly explains that we don’t pray to God to tell him things He didn’t already know, but we pray to talk with and appeal to a loving Father who desperately loves His children. With this knowledge, Jesus says, “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in Heaven…’”

While it can never be the same as a true father-and-son relationship, we often get to remind our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters of their relationship with God the Father. LOGOI’s ministry provides wonderful and powerful Bible resources and tools pastors and teaching leaders put to immediate use in their lives and ministries.

LOGOI Founder Les Thompson with sons Ed, Ken, Dan and Gregg

With our large, extended family, we sometimes learn of those who have made some poor decisions and are often reminded of how very human even pastors can be. We also get to hear wonderful news of how God is working in their lives and ministries.

You are part of this ministry, which means you get to remind and encourage thousands of His children to “go into their room and close the door” and talk to their Heavenly Father. He’s there, waiting to lovingly say,

“Hello son!” “Hello daughter!”

Hello son! Hello daughter!

My dad knew I was often a complete mess. Even so, I have no doubt that my faults and struggles and bad decisions didn’t change his love for me — not one bit. Could it even be that my “mess” made him want to love me that much more? And if a very human father can do that, just imagine the love from our Heavenly Father for His children.

“See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1a NLT). And a powerful verse from Isaiah: “Surely you are still our Father! Even if Abraham and Jacob would disown us, Lord, you would still be our Father. You are our Redeemer from ages past (Isaiah 63:16 NLT).

How about taking a moment right now to go into your room and close the door and have a little talk with your Heavenly Father. With great joy and love He’s waiting to say,

“Hello son!” “Hello daughter!”


ET Signature

Ed Thompson

President, LOGOI Ministries

P.S. May I encourage you to consider a special gift to LOGOI this month? We’ve been experiencing lean donations so far this year and your gift would help a lot. Of course, we gladly accept gifts in honor of your dad.


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