“Can you summarize your theology in a single sentence?”
That is a profound question. Theology, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is “the study of God and of God’s relation to the world.”
According to various reports, this very question was asked by a University of Chicago student to the renowned theologian, Karl Barth, during a question-and-answer session after one of his lectures. As the story goes, Barth responded by saying,
“In the words of a song I learned at my mother’s knee: 'Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.’”
Here at LOGOI, we’ve been working on a behind-the-scenes idea to equip our brothers and sisters in Christ in Cuba to help others know that “Jesus loves them.” The idea may extend to other parts of the Latin American world, but we’re first testing it out in Cuba.

Here’s the problem: for a great many in developing countries such as Cuba, the internet remains a luxury. Accessing LOGOI’s Bible studies and courses online is on many “wish lists,” but it’s simply not doable. We have come up with a simple solution.
We have learned that in Cuba we can purchase internet time for our students directly from Cuba’s ETECSA internet service. One dollar ($1) buys one hour of internet time, and we estimate that on average, it will take roughly $30 of internet time to complete one of our online Bible courses.
In Cuba, that is one month’s salary. The same can be said in other impoverished countries throughout Latin America and we have now discovered this idea will work there as well.
Our plan is simply to purchase up to $30 worth of internet time for our Cuban students, enabling them to access LOGOI. They would then have to register at our Spanish LOGOI.org website and enroll in a Bible course. (You should also know LOGOI would retain 15% to cover the time needed to purchase and process the internet cards.)
Now, we know a little bit about human nature. No doubt some of our investment would be used for non-LOGOI things such as connecting with family and friends. We are happy to think we could provide some simple joys in addition to their Bible studies but will quickly know if someone is not using our investment to complete the coursework within a reasonable time. We may then reserve our right to withhold further help for that student until they catch up.
We have identified some 100 Cuban pastors and leaders who would be eligible for this opportunity. We’re certain that number will grow as word spreads. We would love for you to participate in helping make this plan possible with a gift of $30 or more to enable Cuban students to access LOGOI.org and our Bible courses. Of course, multiples of $30 will cover more.
Thank you for being part of our LOGOI family. What an absolute joy to know and believe “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

Ed Thompson
P.S. Please click on the laptop below if you want to join us in helping connect more students to our online Bible courses.