By our count, Pastor Edgar Arreaza in Guatemala has planted at least nine churches since 1991, including his current church in Llano Largo. We were checking on him and he wrote, “Sorry for not answering sooner. With the change of government here in Guatemala, we have been struggling a lot in opposition since its policy is socially progressive. This has brought us new challenges in defense of the family…”
That sure sounds a lot like our country, too. We are reminded what happens when God’s truths are dismissed and ignored; here in America as well as abroad.
Acknowledging his gratitude for LOGOI’s ongoing Bible training and resources which helps him and thousands of others boldly proclaim the Gospel, Pastor Edgar added, “…Thank you for caring about the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
We do care and we’re so grateful for your partnership in training and “equipping God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).