Happy New Year! – ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
In November we asked for prayer regarding scholarships for three of our Bible Certificate Programs which we offered free of charge on our website. What a thrill it has been to see 639 courses now in the hands of pastors, leaders, and people from all walks of life. Thank the Lord with us and please pray for them to be diligent and faithful to complete their newly acquired courses.
Have you ever thought home-made crocheted dolls could be a part of LOGOI’s side ministry? A lifelong friend has sent over 60 with more to come – and it is my joy corresponding with those who are in children’s ministries throughout the Spanish world. The first set went to Chiapas, Mexico –the poorest state with extreme poverty. Rosario and her husband, David, work with children in a park and in their home. Most of their parents are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. The box of dolls arrived before Christmas and not only were the children thrilled, but she said the parents could not believe they came from so far away and from strangers. Pray for the children and their families to know the One who came to give them the best gift of all.
More boxes are now on their ways to Peru and Ecuador. What a blessing to have this unusual opportunity to show God’s love.