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Home Above Sea Level


“High in the Andes Mountains, 12,570 feet above sea level is Lake Titicaca (Peru),” the LOGOI video begins. “It’s home to Uros Indians who live on the incredible floating islands made out of reeds.” The video continues as amazing images flash across the screen including spectacular views of Machu Picchu, some treacherous mountain roads and a very happy boy with his pet sloth. The video then brings us to a beautiful city called Ayacucho. You can watch the video here.

Meet Pastor Heber Berrocal and his amazing mission territory. I watched the video again and am still awed by the spectacular settings. The beauty only seems matched by Heber’s heart for proclaiming the Gospel and ministering to the people living throughout his picturesque community on the shores of the highest navigable lake in the world.

You can read about Heber and many of our other Missionaries of the Month on our website. Each month we feature one of LOGOI’s over 30,000 national missionaries in a one-page summary. They are excellent ways to be encouraged on how God is using your investments to help “equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12).

We’ve redesigned our website to be more efficient and user-friendly. Now all you have to do is visit us and scroll down. You’ll be invited to register to get our emails and we certainly hope you will. LOGOI subscribers are the first to receive our updates including these wonderful Missionary of the Month summaries.

And yes! It still only costs LOGOI $5 per month per national missionary to provide them with free on-the-job Bible training and resources. So yes! For every $5 invested in God’s Kingdom via LOGOI, you help at least one national missionary for an entire month. We certainly believe LOGOI’s ministry of equipping the saints by providing free resources and courses that are put to immediate use is a great value and excellent investment.

Back to Heber: He is an elder at his home church, Iglesia Cristo Rey in Ayacucho. When his pastor had to resign because of Covid-19, Heber was asked to fill the role, which he continues to do right now. As is typical for the vast majority of our national missionaries, he does have a “day job.” Heber is a professor of chemical biology and it is his teaching salary that pays the bills and funds his missionary work and travels.

In addition to his recent pastoral duties at his own church, he also regularly visits the members and communities of eight other churches situated in the Sierra Mountains — including providing services in their native language, Quechua, on Saturday mornings.

"The center of my life is the Lord and my favorite verse is ‘For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain’ (Philippians 1:21),” he says. “LOGOI continues to help me with my Bible studies and theological resources. I am able to take what I am learning and immediately apply it to my teaching and mission work.”

What a joy to be a partner in ministry with Heber. His love and service for the Lord are an inspiration to us. He represents so many others who are part of our LOGOI family. They quietly go about serving the Lord right where God has planted them. Most fund themselves and their ministries with their own earnings and are so grateful for the free, ongoing, trusted Bible resources, help and encouragement LOGOI provides.

So of course, we boldly ask for your prayers and financial help. Just think of what God is doing in the lives and ministries of all those “Hebers” out there. How many Hebers would you like to help today?


Ed Thompson President, LOGOI Ministries P.S. Heber asks for prayer for a car. His motorcycle is very old and falling apart. A car would enable him to more safely provide supplies and help to the neighboring communities he serves. If you would like to help Heber, please click on the image below.


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