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Ezequiel Molina Jr., La Romana, Dominican Republic


Updated: Jun 10, 2021

“You don’t know this,” the email from Grandma Carolyn began, “but you have an admirer – it’s me!” Grandma added, “I thank the Lord for the wonderful work you are doing. We need more Ezequiels in this world!”

Meet Pastor Ezequiel Molina, who, like his three brothers, are all pastors. In addition to loving to pronounce his name (sound it out in your best Spanish accent), Ezequiel is one of our Timothy's who can hardly wait to introduce others to Jesus. He also loves to encourage and help his fellow pastors and leaders to study and know God’s Word and thus is one of LOGOI’s biggest promoters. Married to Vasthi Ceballos since 1992; they have two sons, Ezequiel and Eliezer.

“I love to introduce others to LOGOI because I know it will help motivate and encourage them to know God’s Word through the study programs you provide. It helps us all on our journey to know God and understand and teach the Bible.” So far, Ezequiel has introduced and helped 71 men and women join our LOGOI family!

Growing up in the Dominican Republic as a pastor’s son, Ezequiel became part of his mom and dad’s evangelistic team at an early age. “My mom and dad would proclaim the Gospel, and I would sing at the rallies all across the D.R. and even the U.S.,” he explains with a smile.

In 1987, Ezequiel earned his degree in Industrial Engineering at Universidad Intec and worked in various national and foreign businesses for 13 years. In 2000 he accepted God’s call to be in full-time ministry to direct “Radio Ven” in the city of La Romana. He also became vice president of the Asociación Radial y Misionera La Batalla de la Fe.

La Romana sits on the Caribbean coast and is a gateway to some of the most beautiful resorts and golfing destinations in the D.R. In the midst of this beautiful Caribbean coast is Centro de Restauración Mahanaim, a ministry Ezequiel founded along with his father in 2004. Associated with the Assemblies of God, their mission is to “Proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus Christ so that many will accept Him as Lord and Savior.” May it be so!

Would you take a moment right now and pray for Ezequiel? And while you’re at it, why not add the 71 men and women he has brought to LOGOI. You don’t know their names, but God does. Join us as we pray that their mission to proclaim the Gospel so that others meet Jesus will indeed come true.


Your gifts are used to help train and equip national missionaries like Ezequiel to help proclaim the Gospel and make disciples all over the Spanish speaking world. Now you know a little more about one of them.

NOTE: LOGOI, as a conservative, evangelical ministry with reformed theological roots, has the joy of helping and encouraging men and women from a host of different denominations and theological perspectives. We welcome any who want to study God’s Word. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:18, we also “pray that you will be able to understand how wide and how long and how high and how deep His love is.”


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