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Changing Lives


In a scene from the 2004 film Troy, a messenger boy tells Achilles he’s about to fight the biggest man he’s ever seen. “I wouldn’t want to fight him,” the messenger boy says with alarm. Achilles looks at the boy and calmly replies, “That is why no one will remember your name.”

Few people who had the great joy of studying under Dr. Howard Hendricks will ever forget his name. He was a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary for over 50 years and was also the chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys from 1976 to 1984. Dr. Hendricks is widely regarded as one of the greatest Bible teachers of our generation. He had a powerful influence in the lives and ministries of many including Chuck Swindoll, Tony Evans, Joe Stowell, Robert Jeffries, Chip Ingram, and David Jeremiah. To that list, you can add hundreds and hundreds of LOGOI national missionaries and pastors who also dearly remember his name.

Among the 23 books Dr. Hendricks authored, Teaching to Change Lives (1987) is one of LOGOI’s most used and beloved textbooks. This wonderful book reveals how all teachers — from parents to Sunday School teachers, pastors to professors — can make the most of their opportunity to inspire, instruct, and permanently impact lives for the kingdom of God.

Teaching to Change Lives is an integral part of FLET, LOGOI’s Bible school, and it is the textbook for the course Principles of Biblical Teaching (Principios de enseñanza bíblica, in Spanish). It is doubtless one of our students’ favorite courses. I have seen first-hand how proudly our LOGOI Bible certificates are displayed in homes and offices of our students throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

So it is with great joy that we report that in a joint effort with Compassion International in Bolivia, we have enrolled over 300 new students to our FLET Bible School to study the course Teaching to Change Lives.

This new group of more than 300 new students is associated with over 230 churches in six cities throughout Bolivia. They are working to help children and families in areas of great poverty. As they help with their physical needs, they also want to be trained and equipped to “teach to change lives” as they proclaim the Gospel.

What a joy to have a part in equipping this group of men and women in Bolivia. They are joining our LOGOI family of over 30,000 national Spanish-speaking missionaries across 57 countries.

And remember, our Bible courses are designed to be studied and applied on the job at a cost to LOGOI of less than $5 per month per national missionary. We believe LOGOI is an excellent investment in God’s Kingdom and boldly ask for your prayers and financial partnership.

LOGOI’s ministry continues to be focused on equipping national pastors and teachers to proclaim the Gospel in their communities. Dr. Hendricks’ philosophy and method of “teaching to change lives” strikes right at the heart of our calling and desire. He said it well: “The Bible was not written to satisfy your curiosity but to help you conform to Christ’s image. Not to make you a smarter sinner but to make you like the Savior. Not to fill your head with biblical facts, but to transform your life.”


Ed Thompson


P.S. Please click on the Bible image below to support LOGOI Ministries.


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