Quito got its name from the word “Quisto” which roughly translates to mean the “center of the world” in the ancient Tsafiki language. For those living in “Quisto,” it was indeed the center of the world until the Inca empire conquered it in the late 15th century. (Now you’re more prepared for another round of Jeopardy.)
A few hundred years later, a new leader with another great name is trying to conquer Quito – but this time, with the Gospel. His name is Carlos Mesias Pullugando Guano, the fifth of eleven children raised in “Santuario de Baños” (Sanctuary of Baths), about 95 miles from Quito.
“I was born into a Catholic home,” Carlos begins, “and I first heard the Gospel when I was 15 years old from a North American missionary named Joe Wells. It wasn’t until age 21 that I put my faith and hope in Jesus Christ. I was the first in my family to believe in Jesus. Today, nine of my siblings are also believers and one of my brothers is also a pastor.”
“Today I live in Quito with my wife and two daughters where I serve as a missionary sent by Iglesia Bíblica Bautista where I founded the church called Iglesia Bíblica Bautista Dulce Refugio (Sweet Refuge Baptist Church). I’m very pleased to say our church has started another church 45 minutes from us in a barrio called Sangolquí and another in the city of Coca which is 7 hours away in the Amazon jungle.

“I wanted to study the law and become an attorney,” Carlos says, “but for some reason, I accepted an invitation to study at a Bible Institute. In my first semester, I knew God was calling me to be a pastor. I finished my studies, was ordained, and sent to establish a church in Quito where I am to this day.”
Carlos explains that his great desire is to serve people by teaching God’s Word. “A few years back I discovered some books by LOGOI,” Carlos explains. “One was on expository teaching which I continue to use. These books continue to be a great blessing to me and now I am discovering all the other wonderful Bible tools LOGOI offers

God is blessing Carlos with a vibrant ministry in Quito and beyond. For many, Iglesia Bíblica Bautista Dulce Refugio is indeed the “center of the world” because it is where they have discovered Jesus.
Would you take a moment right now and pray for Carlos? Specifically, he asks prayer for two of his sisters who are not believers, Manuela and Isabel. He also asks for prayer for God to supply the means for their ministries in Puyo and Coca as well as for one of his leaders, Luis Panchi, who was injured in work accident and has been hospitalized for the past two months. Finally, he asks for us to pray for “good health so that I can continue serving the Lord until He comes or takes me into his presence.”
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