One of our national missionaries from Venezuela, Cesar Andres Camejo Gotopo, wants several of the leaders in his church to be better equipped. What a joy to receive his request resulting in five new students in our FLET Bible school. They had to give Cesar firm commitments that they were willing to study before they sent in their registrations. Once again, this is exactly the reason LOGOI exists. Cesar is going to be a great encourager!
As you pray for these special brothers and sisters in Christ beginning their studies, you’ll be excited to know seven others from different parts of the Spanish world just finished their LOGOI Bible courses, passed their final exams, and have received their certificates.
What Good News to report knowing that you are helping proclaim the Gospel around the world.
And please pray for Lazaro and his sports assistants in Cuba. They have finished their 8 classes and now need to take the exam. They are nervous as it has been many years since any of them took an exam. Pray for calm nerves and good knowledge — and that they all pass without too much struggle.
What a joy to see how God multiplies what each of us do!