The war in Ukraine is the focus of our world news. It’s a terrible reminder of the depths of sin in our fallen world. We pray for peace and God’s intervention amidst such terrible and needless suffering.
As news grips our hearts, LOGOI is providing timely articles and studies to our Spanish brothers and sisters as we grapple with such difficult topics relating to “Why does a loving God allow injustice and suffering?”
One of our national missionaries in Puerto Rico said their news is calling this war “David vs. Goliath.” How can we ever forget the powerful words of David, “You come with your sword, spear and javelin but I come to you in the name of the LORD of heaven’s armies...” (1 Samuel 17:45).
He ends up writing, “May the inheritance of Israel sustain Ukraine to win this spiritual battle.”
And so we thank the Lord for Christians united around the world during this very critical time in the Ukraine. May God help us to be faithful and loving.
Here is a song Ed prepared that is so appropriate for this tragic time: