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Aidid Eliú Rivera Guardado, San Luis Peten, Guatemala

Where is the birthplace of chocolate, you ask? France, Germany, Belgium? No, sorry… it is Guatemala. While there is a tantalizing debate within some academic circles claiming Mexico as the birthplace of chocolate, it was the Mayans who discovered chocolate and called it “a gift from the gods” (and to dentists!). 

Living amongst the beautiful Guatemalan cacao trees is this month’s Missionary of the Month, Aidid Eliú Rivera Guardado. “I am a pastor’s kid born in La Libertad, Petén,” Aidid says. “I have a bachelor’s degree in Technology and Business Administration from the Galileo University of Guatemala.” He has also completed four years of theological study from the Centro de Enseñanza Bíblica and two years from the Seminario Teológico Amigos. 

“I am a math and technology teacher in the San Luis, Petén, school system,” Aidid explains. He has been married for three years and is father to one little boy. “I am the third of five brothers,” he continues, “and we are all serving the Lord in various ways through our church.” Those various ways include being a part of leadership teams, the radio ministry, working with the youth, and presently, as the secretary/treasurer of their church.

“San Luis Petén is a developing community, where young people are growing up thinking they don’t need God in their lives,” Aidid explains. “The truth is they have a great spiritual hunger without realizing it. It is a challenge to reach them so I want to establish a men’s ministry in my community specifically to proclaim the Gospel to the youth and children.” 

When Aidid learned about LOGOI, he excitedly sent us his grades from the Centro de Enseñanza Bíblica wanting to enroll in our Bible school classes. While unnecessary from LOGOI’s part, we loved his enthusiasm and are working with him on specific studies for his ministry.

We loved Aidid’s answer when we asked how we could pray for him. He said, “Please pray that I will always maintain the joy of salvation.” What a great request. In fact, will you stop for a moment right now and pray exactly that for Aidid. And while you’re at it, pray the same for me… and for you. 

He also asks prayer for his family and God’s grace in his teaching job. “I need much grace to treat others in the best way in leadership, communication, and community problems.” No doubt all who teach understand this request. 

What a joy to be a part of helping and encouraging Aidid. May the Lord bless us and our local churches with many more just like him.


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