Our Purpose

Founded in 1968 by the Rev. Les Thompson, Ph.D., the ministry of LOGOI is about “equipping God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Eph. 4:12-13). God has used the ministry of LOGOI to help, equip, and encourage tens of thousands of pastors and church leaders throughout the world. Thousands of churches have been planted, hundreds of churches and ministries have been revitalized, and countless lives have been brought to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. And, praise God, it’s all being done by national pastors and leaders!
LOGOI is a charitable organization under section 501 (c)(3). All gifts are tax-deductible. LOGOI is a member in Good Standing with ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability)
Statement of Faith

The divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Word of God as originally given, and its supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
The existence of only one God, personal, one in essence, yet existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption, and the final judgment.
The universality of sin and guilt of man since the Fall, subjecting him to the wrath and damnation of God.
Redemption from guilt, sorrow, dominion, and corruption of sin only through the expiatory death of our Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God, our representative and substitute.
The work of the Holy Spirit to make effective the redemptive death of Christ for the sinner, giving him repentance before God and faith in Jesus Christ.
The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in repentance, regeneration, and sanctification.
The indwelling work of the Holy Spirit in the believer.
Justification of the sinner only by God’s mercy and grace, received through faith in Christ’s substitutionary death.
The intercession of Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and men, on behalf of His redeemed.
One Holy Universal Church, visible in the local congregations, to which all believers belong.
The certainty of our Lord Jesus Christ’s second coming in his glorified body.
The resurrection of the body, life everlasting for the redeemed, and the eternal damnation of the unjust.
LOGOI’s Executive Staff

President: Ed Thompson
Ed serves as director of the ministry, working to fulfill our calling to “equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12). He helps cast our vision and direction while leading and overseeing LOGOI’s ministry. Ed is the youngest son of LOGOI’s Founder, the late Dr. Les Thompson. Ed is also an author and musician and like his dad, loves to use his gift of music and entertainment to sing and perform around the country. His "CroonerEd" events are wonderful and fun ways to introduce others to LOGOI. Creating an online presence, providing trusted Bible resources and courses, encouraging others to partner with LOGOI, and encouraging national pastors and leaders to proclaim the Good News in their local communities continue to be his primary goals.
Communications: Carolyn Thompson
Carolyn is “pen pal” with hundreds of donors across the USA as well as hundreds of national missionaries across Latin America. Her personal “thank you” notes to all who give and letters of love and encouragement to pastors and national missionaries throughout Latin America is one of LOGOI's most precious ministries. Known as "Grandma Carolyn," she also helps edit and publish Bible resources on our websites and maintain a constantly growing database. The wife of LOGOI’s Founder, the late Dr. Les Thompson, and Mom to Ed, she is the heartbeat of the ministry in countless ways.
Editor-in-Chief: Angie Torres Moure
An independent contractor at LOGOI for more than 17 years, Angie manages LOGOI's social media platforms and resource library, and produces our LOGOIgrama newsletter. As a bilingual writer and copy editor with more than 30 years experience in communications and e-content creation Angie has edited and helped produce LOGOI's eight most recent books. She translated Les Thompson's The Ten Commandments book from Spanish to English.
Customer Service Director: Patty Torrelio
LOGOI's longest serving employee after Carolyn, Patty serves as our customer service liaison for LOGOI's National Missionaries and FLET Bible Course students and has been instrumental in organizing multiple LOGOI conferences in the US and Latin America. She also helps prepare resources for e-pub and print publications.
Pastors, Theologians & Educators
LOGOI is greatly blessed with longstanding friendships and partnerships with many trusted pastors, Bible teachers, theologians and educators around the globe. We call on their help and expertise for such things as writing articles, books, Bible courses, answering questions, producing videos, serving as conference speakers, and providing counsel and guidance.
From accounting to printing to computer techs and web design and all sorts of things in between, LOGOI outsources much of its day-to-day work. This approach has helped us remain lean financially and enables us to discover many of God’s amazing and wonderfully talented family.
Board of Directors

Frank Boullosa

Mark Dodds

Al Yau

Kent Keller
Bible & Theology

Ed Thompson
LOGOI President

Rankin Fowlkes

Oscar Oglivie
LOGOI's “CroonerEd”
“Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others” Peter explains (see 1 Peter 4;10-11), and LOGOI’s President and Director, Ed Thompson, is doing just that. Recording artist and entertainer, Ed Thompson - CroonerEd - grew up in a singing family. At age 17, he won a nation-wide talent competition sponsored by the Gospel Music Association earning his first recording contract and he’s been singing and performing ever since. Wonderfully, he uses this gift as a terrific way to introduce others to the ministry of LOGOI. It is one of the most fun and creative ways we know of to introduce missions. Contact LOGOI for information on inviting LOGOI’s CroonerEd to your church.